Well it's my bit of the internet, so I can! This is really a quick catch-up for people I know and, rather than send out several emails to my various groups, I am going to post most of my thoughts here.
A quick bit of history, earlier this year I was diagnosed with a pure teratoma and was appropriately operated. As is common in Europe the normal form of follow-up treatment is one of several surveillance protocols (methods), and so I've been monitored. Unfortunately (or not as the case may be) my last surveillance visit highlighted a lump on one of my abdominal lympth nodes (periaotic) and hence the next phase of my treatment/life starts - the need for some chemotherapy.
Interestingly coinciding with the growth of this lump I also started/had an attack of some urinary infection. Now I don't know (am seeing a urologist soon) but I strongly suspect that that infection is a symptom of this lump. I don't know for definite, but as I don't get urine infections and it is in exactly the "same" place as my lump, my adding up of 2 + 2 comes to 4.
Today I had my pre-chemo kidney blood test(s) and am awaiting Mr Chemotherapy consultant to write to me in the next couple of days, something in the post to look forward to...
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